Monday, August 17, 2009

After all these months

Some people say, Trust, Love, Understanding, Loyalty stands important role in a relationship. But do u really 100% love your one?? Does he/she loves you 100% like what you do? Does he/she understands you? Loyalty?? Do u believe loyalty??

I love you, you know how much i love you...I love you more than anything... I love you till i can sacrified all my friends just because of you... But what happens lately? We seem don't talk that much, we don't have eye contact, although we both still hug each other when we sleep but i still feeling something wrong with somewhere...

It's really my hard time, i dunno how to express my thoughts, my feelings towards you...
I need you, i do believe, without you i won't be standing this far...

I admit it, I don't really trust you from the beginning when we started in this relationship, not to say not trust you at all but I don't trust you for 100%... Precaution, same to everybody else...
I trusted somebody that much, I shared everything with him but end up he told every single details to you... Who should i share my thoughts?? I already lost confidents to friend with anyone, the one i never betray him, i never cheating him, the one i trusted so much than trusting my wife... How dare he betrayed me?? I need someone to talk, but who i should trust now? Talk to my wife?? But how?? Sensitive issued all the time... I'm depressed... I'm suffered! Who else knows? I don't know to how anymore... I nid breathe...I nid a break...

Dear, do u know i can't afford to loose you? Do u know when everytime when you went out with him that I really uncomfortable?? I really dun wan you to go out with him sometimes but i can't do anything to stop you... I just can't do it...
Yah right, you want to have your time... I remembered what you sms me yesterday... I will never ever forget it... Sometimes I do really feel he talked to him more than talked to me... I felt jealous when i see him make you laughed and smiled...
I can see when you laughed when everytime he jokes to you, that was the greatest scenes i will never fulfill you since day 1 till now. I'm not good in expressing my feeling as i told you...I loves to talk but all nonsenseness but when we talk i mean just 2 of us talk...all the time i was the one who always sit aside and listen and never against you... I wish somehow i could be brave to talk to you like what to talk to me...

This is what make me unhappy... U refuse to be putting your relationship status as engaged and put back single in facebook?? Yes, although it doesn't make sense but why?? Why u want stated as single? Instead of in a relationship?? I'm really unhappy for that, but I pretend nothing happens... I'm nearly crazy then... I don't know who am i suppose to talk to now... You don't even know what i what i don't even know what you want.... It's hard...